Ancient Greek Drama ΙΙΙ: Old and New Comedy

Course Code
ECTS Credits
4th Semester
Course Category



Course Description


The aim of the course is 

- to offer a systematic introduction to ancient Greek comedy, especially to Old and New Comedy, to the scholarly research on these subjects and the technical terminology used to assess these genres

- to relate the comedies to their social and political context 

- to approach the dramatic texts of ancient Greek comedy as texts intended for performance.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to

  • present the basic developments of the comedy genre from the 5th to the 3rd century and the basic characteristics and representatives of the Old and New Comedy 
  • read Aristophanes' and Menander's comedies as texts intended to be performed
  • analyse dramatic texts of ancient comedy in their basic structures
  • identify basic typical elements (characters and scenes) in Old and New Comedy 
  • recognise the phenomena of parody, metatheatre and obscenity and identify their functions in comedy
  • assess the debate on the political functions of comedy (Old and New)

use basic bibliography (Greek and English) related to ancient Greek comedy.